Today I struggled an hour or so to access a AWS hosted web application through IPv6. Just follow these rules:

  • Get an IPv6 CIDR for your VPC: Go to VPC > Your VPCs > ${YOUR_VPC} > Edit CIDRs > Add IPv6 CIDR. The IPv6 CIDR is automatically choosen by AWS. You can’t configure the IPv6 CIDR on your own.
  • For the subnet(s) your ALB is located in, you have to allocate an IPv6 subnet from your previously generated IPv6 subnet. Go to VPC > Subnets > ${YOUR_ALB_SUBNETS} > Edit IPv6 CIDRs > Add IPv6 CIDR. You can have 255 IPv6 subnets.
  • You have to add any IPv6 destination to your routing table. In VPC > Route Tables > ${YOUR_ROUTING_TABLE} > Routes > Edit add “Destination=::/0” and “Target=${YOUR_IGW_ID}” as routing table entry. This was, BTW, the part I had forgotten.
  • Enable dualstack for your ALB. Go to EC2 > Load Balancers > ${YOUR_APPLICATION_LOAD_BALANCER} > Edit IP address type and select dualstack. The option is only available if your subnets have been previously configured with IPv6 CIDRs.
  • Your load balancer’s security group must allow HTTP and/or HTTPS traffic through IPv6. Go to EC2 > Security Groups > ${YOUR_APPLICATION_LOAD_BALANCERS_SECURITY_GROUP} and add the inbound and outbound rules “Protocol=TCP,Port Range=80, Source=::/0” and/or “Protocol=TCP,Port Range=443, Source|Destination=::/0”.

As soon as you have enabled dualstack mode, for the ALB, AWS propagates a new AAAA DNS record for the load balancer. This takes a few minutes. You can access the load balancer with IPv6 by using the load balancer’s IPv4 CNAME. The load balancer itself forwards HTTP requests to the backend servers over IPv4. EC2 instances do not need an IPv4 or IPv6 address on their own.

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